
September 1998

Incorporated as em-si.net inc in New Jersey, shortly became a leading provider of e-marketing research, management/system consulting as well as interaction management services

May 2000

As first phase of expansion initiative for established a delivery center in NJ

August 2001

Signed several strategic partnership contract with delivery centers in India to start the quest of global expansion.

January 2002

Implements 1st in the series of several industry specific small business ERP products

July 2004

Expanded into BPO sector with strategic partnerships across the globe
September 2005
Started providing coordination services in outsourcing operations

November 2006

Formed an alliance with Marshal Microware Inc and Timesync Inc to provide local bases in South Asia

February 2007

Formed an alliance with iBridge Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and it’s subsidiaries to provide contact center services to North American organizations

October 2007

Formed an alliance with Statim Solutions Pvt. Ltd. to provide Healthcare BPO services

January 2008

Re-branded as Base-II International Inc to focus on outsourcing coordination

April 2008

Established Base-II Healthcare Services, a subsidiary for health care outsourcing

October 2008

Established Base-II Marketing Corporation, a subsidiary for Direct Response outsourcing